Tips for Good Hair Care

Hello everyone! After all the technical and medical knowledge transfers we had for the past five weeks, I thought why not make a productive, light-hearted blogpost. Thus the thought of this post was born. In the next few hundred words, I will offer some useful, practical, day-to-day tips on hair care. Ok, hair we go!

In this world of hurry, where time enslaves us all, we are always on the run at any point of time. Work, plans, and meetings occupy whole of our conscious time and personal care is pushed to the bottom-most portion of our priority list. Our personal care, usually, is so low in the list that when it goes further down, it might even strike an oil well at our earth underground. Even in that list of personal care, hair care will most probably be ranked right at the bottom. We just buy a sachet of shampoo, rub the scalp till the lather forms as white frothy milk, wash them off and speed our way to our next job, all in a matter of few minutes. Just because hair doesn’t hug us and confess its love, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t show our love to it, right?

1.Wash your hair correctly

Wash your hair correctly with proper care. Try not to wash your hair daily as it will strip your hair of its natural oils. It’s ok. Scalp is not teeth. It will still look clean when you wash it once in three days or so. Use a mild shampoo to wash your hair and apply a conditioner after shampooing to keep your hair soft, manageable and moist. Make sure the shampoo is SLS or ALS free, as these are harsh surfactants. They treat the hair the same way Raptors treat humans in Jurassic Park.

2.Manage wet hair properly

A warm hot water to wet, a gentle massage to apply shampoo; the period of bath is always kind to the hair. But the real cruelty our hair experiences is minutes after bath – during drying. The hair is crushed, pulled, squeezed and subjected to varying levels of torture to make it half dry and we comb immediately before the hair dries up. Impatience is a curse upon our modern world. Avoid brushing your hair while it’s wet as this will cause your hair to stretch and finally break. Leave wet hair to dry on its own. By the law of physics and by the law of Indian climatic conditions, it won’t take long.

3.Follow a healthy diet

Follow a healthy diet to prevent hair loss. Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. to keep your hair healthy and strong. Burgers and pizzas can never better our Indian foods in terms of health. Remember, our body gives nutrients to hair only after distributing them to vital organs and muscles. So it is mandatory to take in enough nutrients so that our hair doesn’t starve. Also, drinking plenty of water will help in maintaining a healthy hair.

4.Careful on the hair styles

Nowadays, the world of fashion is making men and women look astonishingly stylish and presentable. But in the attempt to look new, people try experimenting new hair styles. I have seen a number of girls pulling their hair backwards tightly for a neat, compact look. Their hair will be so tight that when a single strand is plucked, it can even sound like a string instrument of guitar or sitar! It is better to avoid pulling back your hair tightly, as this weakens the root and it breaks easily. Even frequent colour and bleaching will harm the hair. Our hair is not politician; why change colours often then?

5.Use hair styling products wisely

Colours, rollers, curls, straighteners and what not! We have thousands of products for creating thousands of hair styles. (Of them a whopping 3 suits us). There’s no harm in trying them out, but make sure that there is no continuous usage of it. Give your hair a break whenever possible from excessive heat styling and chemical processing as this will dry your scalp and eventually lead to breakage of hair.

Hope you liked this blogpost and found it useful as well. I have an appointment with my hair now and I am taking my comb along with me for the meet. Catch you all later with another interesting post. Till then, let’s hope for a world that is peaceful, healthy and strong from inside and outside its head.


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