Hello everyone! After all the technical and medical knowledge transfers we had for the past five weeks, I thought why not make a productive, light-hearted blogpost. Thus the thought of…Continue reading

Are You Courteous Enough to Satisfy Your Hair’s Needs?
Hi everyone! And a special hi to your hair! This is your hair care expert, Hairini, back to enrich you and thereby your hair with more knowledge on the ways…Continue reading
What Treatment For Hair Loss Is The Right Choice?
Hi everyone! As a famous, muscular, Hollywood star turned politician, whose nose was the only expressive element in his face once said, “I’m back!” This time, Hairini is here to…Continue reading
Androgen or Androanagen? The Difference Is Huge
Hi everyone! It has been quite a while since I caught up with you all. I am now back to share some more information I knew about hair-care. This time,…Continue reading
It’s Hard to Let It Go
Hi everyone! Hairini is back. This time with more specific information about a haunting and distressing problem of today, faced impartially by both men and women… Hair loss. Morning 7…Continue reading

Say Hi To Your Hair Expert
I am Hairini, yeah the name is a product of numerology but being a hair care expert, perhaps the spelling was just a destiny. Of late, I have been seeing…Continue reading